Jane Browning (JaneB@mvcsda.org), Secretary
Ministry Description
The most important objective of Health Ministries is to help men and women reach their full potential, mentally, spiritually and physically. To reach full potential, health principles must be practiced.
Health Ministry is the gospel of Christ illustrated, the message of God practiced. Without it, the gospel witness is muted; it is merely a theory, an idea.
The more closely these principles are followed, the better health the person enjoys. The more active a church is in public health education, the more effective will be its public evangelism. For health is the most universal entering wedge.
The local church Health Ministries leader is the coordinator of health education and promotion in the congregation. He or she works closely with the pastor and the health ministries coordinator. This coordinator should plan and implement health activities. The NAD recommends that every church should have a copy of the book, Ministries of Health and Healing which has been prepared by a group of Adventist health professionals and gives the latest methods of impacting the church and community with our health message. To order a copy, contact Health Connection at (800) 548-8700. Every other year, in winter, the department sponsors a certification training program in Orlando, Florida.
Mark Finley (2019) Health Lectures